Talk Hosted by CCRC - Race Officer Duties and Why Cruiser Racers have more fun.
Where: Members Room @ ISC
When: Talk starts @ 11am
A welcome talk for all new cruiser racers, with light-hearted RO/PRO duty training for existing CCRC & ISC Members. This one hour talk will focus on cruiser racing includes: racing rules, rolling starts, course setting, and tactics to encourage pairing of Skippers & Crew
Guests from three local universities will also attend to ensure fully crewed boats for Season 2024. There will be 30 minutes networking either side of the 11am talk for crew to find the best boats and the best boats to find the best crew. Coffee from 10.30
Why not stay for our delicious Sunday Roast Lunch? CLICK HERE to book and pre-pay for you roast! Spaces sell out quickly!
The bar will be open from 12pm as well as tea/coffee and cake available to purchase on the day!
Last updated 10:46pm on 15 October 2024